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Picking Drill 1

Groups: of 3 or 4 players
Sliotars: 2 per group
Cones: 4 per group
Skills: Jab Lift, Roll Lift
Level of Effort: 3.5/5
Level of Complexity: 1.5/5


Arrange four cones in a straight line with 7m between each cone. Place at ball at cones C and D. Three players line up at cone A.


Player 1 starts from cone A and runs to C. He roll lifts the up the ball there, turns and brings it in to cone B. He then turns again and goes out to cone D, roll lifts the ball there, turns and drops it at cone C. He finishes by running through the starting position.

Player 2 again starts at cone A and runs to C. In this instance he jab lifts the ball at C and takes it out to D, turns and roll lifts the ball at B and takes it out to C. He turns and finishes by running through the starting position.

The balls are back in the original position and Player 3 continues by doing the same run outlined for Player 1 above. Repeat for a fixed number of turns or time.


A) All variations of three cones and two balls work. In the above you can have players always go to the outside ball first at cone D.

B) You can have balls and B and C and have players go to either ball first.

C) You can have balls and B and D and again tell the players which of the two to go for.

The key is that the players always go to the same ball first and move it to the cone that has no ball. In the example illustrated above the players always go first to the ball at cone C (the middle cone) and take that ball to whatever cone does not have one. To finish they move the second ball to the cone that now has no ball.

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