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Picking Drill 2

Groups of 4
Sliotars: 1
Cones: 3
Skills: Roll Lift, Jab Lift, Soloing
Level of Effort: 2.5/5
Level of Complexity: 1.5/5


Three cones are set up in a line with about 7m between each cone. The players line up at cone A and a ball is placed at B.


Player 1 starts by running to B and roll lifting the ball, he turns and carries the ball back around cone A, turns and runs out to cone C dropping the ball at cone B as he passes.

He rounds cone C, runs back to A and jab lifts the ball at B. He continues in to A, rounds it and goes back out to B where he drops the ball for the next player to begin. He finishes the the run by sprinting back to A. Each player goes in turn.


A) Player 1 starts with the ball and begins by running to B and dropping the ball there, back in around A, out to C jab lifting the ball at B on the way out, dropping the ball at C, back in around A (or B) out to C, roll lifting the ball and running in to give a pass to player 2 who repeats the shuttle run.

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