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Physical Drill 2

Groups of 4
Cones: 7 per group
Level of Effort: 4.5/5
Level of Complexity: 4/5

Set up 4 cones in a line about 5m apart as shown by cones A, B, C and D below. Each of these cones will be a station on the circuit. Outside of cone A place three more markers at distances of 7m, 14m and 21m. The set-up here shows three groups.

The circuit will be a combination of high intensity and low intensity exercises. The high intensity exercises will be at cones A and C and the low intensity exercises will be at cones B and D.

At A the players will sprint to the markers placed at 7m, 14m and 21m. In general the exercises at B will work the core and abs while those at D will work the upper body. The exercises at C will be varied but will require the players to work hard. Although still working the players get a chance to catch their breath at B and D.

There are three circuits of four exercises and each circuit will be repeated three times. This gives 3 x 4 x 3 = 36 working periods which will last about 30 seconds each. With short breaks between the stations and longer breaks between the circuits the full routine can be done in about 25 minutes.

There will be players at each station but we will outline what those initially lined up at cone A will do. The players who start at B, C and D will do likewise.


Starting at A the players will sprint in and out to the marker at 7m seven times. This run will take about 30 seconds. These runners provide the timing for the rest of the groups. When they are finished the run all the players will move to the next station. Those at A will move down to the station at cone B. After ten seconds or so they will start the exercise assigned at B. They will then move on and work through stations C and D.

After finishing at D the players will be back at A. This time the players will sprint in and out to the marker at 14m five times. Again this will take about 30 seconds after which they work through stations B, C and D again carrying out the same exercises as before.

The next (and final) time the players get back to A they will sprint in and out to the marker at 21m three times. Again this will take about 30 seconds. After this the players will work through stations B and C before finishing up at D for the last time again doing the same exercises.

These 12 stations (A, B, C and D by three times each) comprise one complete circuit. After a break of 90 seconds or so the players line up at their starting cones and begin the second circuit.

The players do the same runs as outlined above at A but do different exercises at B, C and D. Again there will be 12 stations on this circuit. After another 90 second break the players begin the last circuit which has the same runs and three more exercises.

Examples of exercises that can be carried out at each station are given below. Remember that in each circuit the players will carry out three 30 second sets of each of the exercises.

First Circuit:
B – Overhead hurley swing keeping arms up
C – Two footed side to side jump over hurley
D – Static plank

Second Circuit:
B – Squat (with hurley held over head)
C – Burpees (Out-in-and up)
D – Sit-ups

Third Circuit:
B – Press-ups
C – Knees in the gut
D – Double leg static lift

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