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Competing Drill 2

Groups of 4
Sliotars: 1 or 2
Cones: 4
Skills: Battling, Catching
Level of Effort: 3.5/5
Level of Complexity: 2/5


Arrange cones in a 10m square with two players at opposite cones at two players in the middle. The players at the cones have a ball each.


Player 1 rolls the ball between the players in the middle who battle for possession. Once one player gains possession he attempts to hand-pass the ball back to player 1 while the other player attempts to dispossess and prevent the pass.

Once that ball is done the players turn and receive the next ball from player 3. Continue for 2 minutes when the players change


A) Use only 1 sliotar and have the players pass the ball to the player at the opposite side.

B) Using two balls have the players at the cones throw the ball in the air for the players in the middle to compete for by attempting to catch the ball.

C) Extend the size of the area so that the players from the side are striking rather than rolling/throwing the ball into the pair in the middle.

D) To give a longer break the drill can also be done in groups of six with two in the middle and a player on each of the outside cones. With two balls a ball moves along each of the diagonals with the players getting the ball from one corner and trying to move it on to the opposite corner.

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