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Conditioned Game 2

Game: Single Goals
Teams of 5 to 8 players
Sliotars: 1
Pitch: One goal in middle
Rules: Normal rules apply


Two teams play around one goal and try to score points. Area around goal is exclusion zone marked out by flexible markers about 20m from the goals. Players cannot score from inside this area.

Both teams are trying to score in the same goals. The ball never goes out of play. It can set up so that half of each team is on either side of central line though this is not necessary. Players may not cross from one side to the other but can pass the ball across it.


A useful game to play if numbers do not allow a full game to be played. Players are moving the whole time looking to receive or win the ball. Players on the ball are looking to shoot or pass to a player in a more favourable position.


A) Award two points if a score directly results from a long pass that crosses from one side of the goals to the other.

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